Media Campaign
Activities of the project Guardians of rivers
take place all over Slovenia
Media Campaign
Guardians of Rivers has received wide media interest. We work with the media constantly in order to promote the project and raise awareness.
- Mladina, 26.1. 2024
- Dnevnik, 16.11.2024
- TV Slovenija –Kultura, 8.11.2023
- MMC RTVSLO, 8.11.2023
- TV Slovenija –Dobro jutro, 8.11.2023 (na 27.00)
- Gorenjski glas, 17.11.2023
- Radio SI, 3.4.2023
- Radio Odeon, 22.4.2023
- MMC RTV SLO, 24.3.2023
- National Geographic Slovenija, november 2022
- Slovenske novice, 12.1.2022
- TV Galeja, januar 2023
- TV Galeja, januar 2023
- Notranjeprimorske, 10.1.2022
- Radio 94, 5.1.2023
- Dnevnik, 10.10.2022
- Dnevnik, 15.10.2022
- MMC RTVSLO, 17.8.2022
- Radio 94, 18.8.2022
- TV Slovenija, 17.8.2022 (na 10.40)
- Primorski val, 20.8.2022
- Mladina, 18.8.2022
- Radio Koper, 18.8.2022
Educational and inspirational hikes along rivers
Activities of the project Guardians of rivers
take place all over Slovenia
Educational and inspirational hikes along rivers
Hikes are intended for activists and members of the wider public. We believe they are significant from an educational as well as inspirational point of view. It is important to intimately connect with things you strive for.
Izobraževalni sprehodi so namenjeni aktivistom in širši javnosti. Verjamemo, da so pomembni tako z izobraževalnega vidika kot vir navdiha. Pomembno je, da smo intimno povezani z rekami, ki jih želimo obvarovati.
Interactive play for children
Activities of the project Guardians of rivers
take place all over Slovenia
Interactive play for children
A theatre play titled A pledge for the river’ is intended to teach children about the importance of preserving rivers and nature. At the end of performance children pledge their support to protect rivers and receive a badge with a logo of Guardians of Rivers project. We stage the show at children’s festivals, cultural centers, schools, kindergartens etc.
Workshops and networking
Activities of the project Guardians of rivers
take place all over Slovenia
Workshops and networking
We organize and participate in workshops and meetings for members of civic environmental initiatives in order to exchange experience and information, discuss advocacy approaches and coordinate campaigns on local and regional levels. We also organize public events where members of initiatives have a chance to present their work to the media and wider public.
Group photography exhibition
Activities of the project Guardians of rivers
take place all over Slovenia
Group photography exhibition
The exhibition consists of 23 photos, created by Slovenian renowned photographers: Arne Hodalič, Uroš Abram, Metod Blejec, Barbara Čeferin, Katja Bidovec, Božidar Flajšman, Peter Gedei, Nika Hölcl, Katja Jemec, Manca Juvan, Tereza Kozinc, Meta Krese, Borut Krajnc, Matjaž Krivic, Borut Peterlin, Matej Pušnik, Una Rebić, Boštjan Selinšek, Klemen Skubic, Ana Šuligoj, Vedran Tomšić, Ajda Zupan, Matic Zorman in Stojan Spetič.
Each photo features one Slovenian river together with a chosen female guardian or a group of guardians: Gaja Brecelj, Sonja Bezjak, Tamara Tomanić, Nika Solce, Lučka Kajfež Bogataj, Mateja Sattler, Anastazija Makorič Bavčar, Slavka Bavdaž, Marjana Hönigsfeld Adamič, Tejka Pezdirc, Lučka Peterlin, Suzana Kobal, Teja Strajnar, Neja Čušin, Ingrid Čušin, Silva Čušin, Špela Borko, Hana B. Kokot, Manja Županič, Alenka Čas, Zarja Rojc, Zarja Bergoč, Lana Počkaj, Neža Primc, Hana Barak, Luen Hajmerle, Ela Primc, Svetlana Slapšak, Andreja Slavič, Nataša Dominko, Jana Kolman, Urška Kovač Mrak, Romina Pleško in Špela Kaplja.
The exhibition has seen numerous openings:
- Park Pečno, Kanal ob Soči, 17.8. -31.10.2022
- Park ob Savi, Litija, 30.8.-29.9.2022
- Škocjanski zatok, Koper, 7.9. -28.9. 2022
- Grad Goričko, Grad, 1.10 –24.11. 2022
- Layerjeva hiša, Kranj, 29.11 –17.12 2022
- Pavlovčeva galerija, Ilirska Bistrica, 6.1. -2.2. 2023
- Delavski dom Zagorje, 13.1.-31.1. 2023
- Jesharna, Škofja Loka, 10.2.-9.3.2023
- Kinogledališče Tolmin, 8.3.-8.4.2023
- Kulturni dom Semič, 22.4.-1.6.2023
- Delavski dom Trbovlje, 4.5.-19.5.2023
- Muzej norosti, Trate, 13.5.-30.9.2023
- Mestna knjižnica Piran, 1.10-31.10.2023
- Ljubljanski grad, 8.11.2023 –11.2.2024
- Fakulteta za družbene vede, 15.11.2023-8.1.2024
- Bar Pumpa, Knežak, 19.1.2024 – 20.2.2024
- Blejski grad, 6.5.2024-30.5.2024