Contact & Team


00386 (0)40 221 402

Project Organizations:

Zavod Gamayuna

Litostrojska 40a, 1000 Ljubljana

Kulturno umetniško društvo Center 21

Grič 5a, 1000 Ljubljana


project leader

An artist and a producer, whose work is primarily inspired by nature protection, community building, women’s empowerment and children’s education. She has been creating interactive performances for children and adults for years. As part of the project, she also performs an interactive children’s play “A Pledge to the River”, in which she raises awareness among younger generations about the importance of river protection.


project leader

An award-winning freelance journalist, writer and author of several documentaries. During his career, he reported from war zones and crisis hotspots. He witnessed how climate change undermines the stability of countries and entire regions, from the Middle East to West Africa. This is why he decided to help raising awareness about the necessity of protecting nature and the environment, with an emphasis on inland waters and drinking water.


visual director

Austrian graphic designer, illustrator and communication strategist based in Slovenia. For more than 15 years she has been working primarily with clients from the cultural- as well as social sector and helping them to develop their brands and public representation. Drawn toward nature, she takes inspiration by her surroundings and implements them in aesthetic, as well as useful designs.