Guardians of rivers
The Guardians of Rivers project aims to raise awareness of the state of our rivers and calls for their protection. The project brings together civil initiatives, non-governmental organisations, environmental and legal experts and the media in Slovenia and the Balkans. As part of the project we organise cultural events, workshops and professional meetings. From August 2022 we have organised:
openings of the photo exhibition "Guardians of the River"
with an accompanying public and cultural programme
round table discussions
featuring representatives of local civil society groups, environmentalists, biologists, legal experts and representatives of local authorities
workshops and meetings
for activists and experts
meetings and gatherings
performances of the children's play A Pledge to the River
in kindergartens, schools, cultural institutions and at festivals
S projektom Varuhinje rek želimo...
... ozaveščati javnost o stanju slovenskih celinskih voda ter o grožnjah in nevarnostih, s katerimi se soočajo
... spodbujati k varovanju rek, jezer in mokrišč s pripadajočimi habitati ter si prizadevati za zaščitopitne vode kot temeljne človekove pravice
... podpirati in opolnomočiti civilne okoljske iniciative in aktiviste ter jih povezati v nacionalnopodporno mrežo
... razvijati dialog med civilno družbo, okoljskimi in pravnimi strokovnjaki ter lokalnimi oblastmi o najbolj perečih temah, kot so posegi v reke in njihovo onesnaževanje
... spodbujati sodobne, trajnostne pristope in sonaravne rešitve pri človekovem upravljanju z vodotoki, vključno z renaturacijo rek, kot je začrtana v Strategiji EU za biotsko raznovrstnost do leta 2030
... sodelovati v konstruktivnem nasprotovanju velikim državnim projektom, kot je načrtovana gradnja novih hidroelektrarn na Savi, ki bi imela po mnenju okoljskih strokovnjakov in znanstvenikov katastrofalne posledice za reko, njen habitat in zajetje pitne vode pod njo
Začetek našega projekta sega v maj 2022
Situacija v Sloveniji
Po uradnih podatkih je približno polovica slovenskih rek v slabem stanju. Sladkovodne ribe so med najbolj ogroženimi organizmi v Sloveniji: v zadnjega pol stoletja se je njihovo število zmanjšalo za okoli 80 odstotkov. Kljub temu reke ogrožajo vedno novi gradbeni in drugi posegi vanje, med katerimi so številni izjemno škodljivi za vodotoke, njihove habitate in oskrbo s pitno vodo. Nekateri gradbeni projekti so načrtovani na zaščitenih območjih, kot je Natura 2000. Njihova izvedba bi predvidljivo samo še poslabšala že tako slabo situacijo. Energetski in gradbeni lobiji so pogosto tesno povezani s političnimi odločevalci na lokalni in nacionalni ravni ter onemogočajo smiselno javno razpravo o posledicah posegov v reke. Na državni ravni še ni bilo razprave o renaturaciji rek, kot je predvidena v Strategiji EU za biotsko raznovrstnost do leta 2030.
Po rekordni suši leta 2022 in uničujočih poplavah leta 2023 se zanimanje javnosti in medijev za usodo naših celinskih voda povečuje. A večina državljanov se še vedno premalo zaveda, da se lahko tudi sami aktivirajo na področju varovanja rek ali pa se niti ne zavedajo vseh nevarnosti, ki grozijo slovenskim rekam. Druga težava se pojavi, ko začnejo ljudje ustanavljati civilno-družbene okoljske iniciative v lokalnih okoljih. Pogosto so diskriminirani s strani lokalnih in celo državnih oblasti na način, da jim te onemogočajo sodelovanje pri odločanju o novih posegih v reke, zato se morajo aktivisti na koncu obračati na sodišča (če se za to sploh odločijo). Civilno-družbene iniciative pogosto ustanavljajo in vodijo ljudje, ki po izobrazbi niso pravniki ali okoljevarstveniki, zaradi česar se težko spopadajo z zapletenimi birokratskimi in pravnimi postopki. Čeprav so bile nekatere okoljske kampanje uspešne, se nemalo iniciativ sooča s težavami, kot so izoliranost, neprepoznavnost, majhno članstvo, pomanjkanje pravnega znanja in strokovne podpore ter neizkušenost na področju zagovorništva.
Naše delo poteka po vsej Sloveniji in je večplastno v smislu spodbujanja zagovorništva prek različnih informacijskih kanalov, javnih dogodkov in inovativnih pristopov. Hkrati nudimo podporo civilno-družbenim iniciativam, skupaj v sodelovanju z okoljevarstveniki in pravnimi strokovnjaki, včasih tudi z lokalnimi oblastmi.
Naša začetna ideja je bila potovati po Sloveniji, se seznanjati s problemi naših rek in vzpostavljati stike z lokalnimi aktivisti. Iz nje je vzniknila vizija povezovanja zavoljo medsebojnega spoznavanja, sodelovanja, spodbujanja, izmenjave izkušenj in informacij, ta vizija pa je do danes prerasla v strategijo vzpostavljanja nacionalne mreže za zaščito naših celinskih voda in pitne vode.
V času izvajanja projekta smo prišli do spoznanja, da prizadevanja za zaščito rek in pitne vode kot temeljne človekove pravice združujejo ljudi onkraj delitev, ki jih ustvarja dnevna politika. Opolnomočenje in povezovanje civilno-družbenih iniciativ nista le pogoja za učinkovito zagovorništvo na področju varovanja narave, temveč tudi predpogoja za gradnjo boljše družbe z večjim sodelovanjem in vključenostjo ljudi pri odločitvah, ki vplivajo na njihovo življenje, zdravje in okolje.
In April Guardians of Rivers team visited several activists for rivers in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, Kosovo and Albania who, in cooperation with local residents, jointly prevented the construction of dozens of small hydropower plants in the region. We have met representatives of various civic initiatives united in the “Coalition for the Protection of the Rivers of Bosnia and Herzegovina”, in Serbia with the organization “Studenac Nova Varoš”, in Kosovo with nature conservationists who oppose hydropower plants on their rivers, and in Albania with activists who fight against the dam Skavica, which would flood the entire region and drive tens of thousands of people from their homes. Corrupt local politicians sell Balkan nature to foreign corporations, which make construction interventions that would never be allowed in their home countries.
Along the way, we have also noticed great demographic devastation, as many young people have moved away. Some areas are extremely vulnerable when foreign companies or domestic investors come there, who, with the support of corrupt politicians, want to take over water resources and put
even the smallest rivers into pipes and build small hydroelectric power plants to make more profit. In many places they have unfortunately, succeeded. Destructive interventions in rivers, which are literally killing them, often take place without obtaining the appropriate permits and without considering opinion of the local community.
On the other hand, more and more local groups, initiatives, societies and residents are active in the Balkans, fighting for the protection of rivers on local, regional, national and international levels. Wherever people have resisted destructive interventions with their own bodies, campaigns and legal means, they have achieved victories and are marching towards new ones together (among them the Bosnian initiatives “Let me flow”, which protected the river Neretvica from 15 small hydroelectric plants, and “The Brave Women of Krušica”, who protested on the bridge for 500 days to prevent the destruction of the local river).
The Guardians of the Rivers project will join efforts to raise awareness and connect with the exhibition's journey through the Balkans and it’s expansion, so that it will eventually include guardians from the entire region.
A new meeting of river guardians from all over Slovenia was held in the spirit of connection, exchange of experiences, transfer of knowledge, support and enjoyment in good company. It took place in Matajun in the Karst region. The meeting was primarily devoted to the problem of
pollution of Slovenian rivers. The participants, local river activists, as well as experts and representatives of the regional Park Škocjanske jame, learned about problems in local environments and possible solutions. In most cases, the problems are similar; disregarding of environmental laws
and regulations, inefficient control over violators, also due to a lack of environmental inspectors, inadequate conduct of the Directorate for Water, lack of knowledge about nature based solutions, ignorance of local authorities, corruption of the politicians and lack of awareness of residents
regarding river pollution, combined with fear of exposure.
Fortunately rivers also have their guardians. Behind civic initiatives, groups of associations and regional parks are hearty individuals who devote their free time to protecting our common good-our rivers and our nature.
The meeting was attended by representatives of initiatives and organizations Za čisto reko Vipavo, Eko Bistrc, Reši sotočje, Varuhi kanjona reke Kokre, Savski Gusarji in Zavod Revivo.
The event was organized by Guardians of Rivers with the support of the Park Škocjanske jame and the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Slovenia.
We are happy to share with you a short documentary movie “Community” which describes joint efforts to protect rivers in the Balkans, where civil society (activists, conservationists, villagers, etc.) work in difficult conditions (physical violence, political threats and lawsuits from investors.)
Movie shows examples of good practices, persistence and real victories in several countries, especially when it comes to preventing the construction of hydroelectric power stations. Part of the film was filmed at the meeting of Balkan activists in Montenegro, which was also attended by a representative of the Guardians of the Rivers.
The film is available at;
The group photography exhibition Guardians of the Rivers returned to the vicinity of the Reka river. The exhibition traveled to Knežak at the invitation of photographer Stojan Spetič, who photographed a group of elementary school girls for the exhibition, and FotoKlub Sušec Ilirska Bistrica.
The opening coincided with the celebration of the birthday of the poet Dragotin Kette, which marked the beginning of the month of culture in the municipality of Ilirska Bistrica.
The exhibition will be on display at the Pumpa bar in Knežak until February 23.
The interactive children's play A Pledge to the river, which educates younger schoolchildren about the significance of river protecting, has returned to primary schools. This time we visited Košana Elementary School and Anton Žnideršič Elementary School in Ilirska Bistrica. Visits to elementary schools are held in collaboration with the Škocjanske Jame Park.
On the Slovenian National Day of Culture, we conducted public guidance of the group photography exhibition Guardians of the Rivers. The artist Špela Kaplja told the audience how to connect profoundly with rivers and the project’s producer Alja Bulič revealed the stories behind the photos.