Meeting of river guardians in Matajun

A new meeting of river guardians from all over Slovenia was held in the spirit of connection, exchange of experiences, transfer of knowledge, support and enjoyment in good company. It took place in Matajun in the Karst region. The meeting was primarily devoted to the problem of
pollution of Slovenian rivers. The participants, local river activists, as well as experts and representatives of the regional Park Škocjanske jame, learned about problems in local environments and possible solutions. In most cases, the problems are similar; disregarding of environmental laws
and regulations, inefficient control over violators, also due to a lack of environmental inspectors, inadequate conduct of the Directorate for Water, lack of knowledge about nature based solutions, ignorance of local authorities, corruption of the politicians and lack of awareness of residents
regarding river pollution, combined with fear of exposure.

Fortunately rivers also have their guardians. Behind civic initiatives, groups of associations and regional parks are hearty individuals who devote their free time to protecting our common good-our rivers and our nature.

The meeting was attended by representatives of initiatives and organizations Za čisto reko Vipavo, Eko Bistrc, Reši sotočje, Varuhi kanjona reke Kokre, Savski Gusarji in Zavod Revivo.
The event was organized by Guardians of Rivers with the support of the Park Škocjanske jame and the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Slovenia.